lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Broche amapola rosa / Pink poppy brooch

Buenos dias! Os presento otro broche de fieltro para adornar esas chaquetas de invierno tan tristes! jeje

Good morning!  Here you have another felt brooch to decorate those boring winter jackets!!

Compuesto por varias capas de fieltro superpuestas y abalorios encima, se puede hacer en el color que más te guste

It's made of several felt layers superposed and beads on the top, so it's easy to find the colors that fit you.

Y  a mi me vino genial para abrochar esta chaqueta que no tenia cierre, pero ya con este fresquito que hace apetece ir un poco más tapadas no?

It was very handy for me to fasten this jacket which didn't have any fastener, and it's really cool outside today, isn't it?

Bueno, espero que os haya gustado, y hasta la proxima!!
I hope you liked it. See you soon!!

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